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Will a kind soul please explain to me, what 

    DEFAULT CATCH!, code=FFF00300 at  %SRR0: FF80ADD0  %SRR1: 0000B070

is trying to tell me, and who is issuing this diagnostic ?

What I'm trying to do:

On a NetBSD/mac68k machine, I've installed current NetBSD sources plus
the sys/powermac from nandra.iri.co.jp. I've then run config POWERMAC
on the arch/powermac/conf directory.

The whole NetBSD source tree is then NFS exported to a Macintosh G3
running MKLinux.

On the G3, I've installed NetBSD's make as bmake and furthermore 
installed lorder and tsort in the active path.

Running bmake in compile/POWERMAC results in a ELF-formatted 
kernel in the file netbsd.

This file is then copied to a diskette and the G3 attempts to boot
from fd:netbsd.POWERMAC (as the filename is).

After loading the file, the G3 says 'Loading ELF' and then immediately
the Default Catch.

Further questions: should this method for building a NetBSD kernel
work, and is there any chance of actually booting the G3 for the
time being ?

thanks in advance
Erik Bertelsen

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