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Re: cross compile and CRT functions

This turned out to be the way I configured bmake - no TARGET_ARCH .. d'oh!
Sorry.. that's the last time I post a question in desperate need to get some

OK - now here's a real question - I've successfully got a netbsd kernel
image.  How should I configure my PowerStack to boot it?  All I have to
start with is an NT arcinst/boot disk, but those tools don't seem to want to
run ELF images, as expected.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Forgey <paulf%aphrodite.com@localhost>
To: port-powerpc <port-powerpc%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 4:25 PM
Subject: cross compile and CRT functions

>I've got the netbsd-1.3.1 kernel cross comiled from i586-linux, however the
>link fails beause certain CRT symbols, such as strlen and bzero, aren't
>there.  Isn't the kernel code supposed to be self containing independant of
>the runtime?  If not, what do I need to do to get around this?

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