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Re: Interested in USB for TURBOchannel (slhci at tc)?

Intermediate result:

I see enough interest for a professionally assembled option already, which is a success and more than I expected (and even did not ask the VMS community yet!).
Ordering starts: PayPal deposit of EUR €79 (I'm in Germany...) per piece 
+ shipping (EUR €9 worldwide insured for one) is required (*not* to this 
e-mail address please). I will write to all who expressed interest 
off-list with details, please make sure from *this* e-mail address to 
prevent fraud...
Excess money will be refunded individually (or donated to the NetBSD 
Foundation if you like) after completion of the project, which is likely 
if volume is increased further and/or everything goes as estimated. My 
decision for a refund policy is also a reason why common crowdfunding 
platforms cannot be used (not allowed), but I see no other practical way 
for me.
Deadline is April 17th, 2016. New orders are only possible until then. I 
must also reserve the right to cancel the project altogether with your 
money refunded.
This is a private sale (or better: collective order) under hobbyists, no 
warranty or guarantee. The options will be tested before shipment (in 
antistatic bags) of course.
This will also be put on the project site soon, which will document the 
progress from now on.

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