Subject: 1.4.3 upgrade base package fails
To: NetBSD/pmax <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/11/2001 21:13:43
I decided to upgrade my 1.4.1 system to 1.4.3. Downloaded and booted
install.gz, fetching some sets (kern, base, etc, misc) via FTP. When the base
package was well into extracting, it would complain that the disk was full. I
deleted some junk on the /usr partition. Still, I thought it was quite odd,
since the partitions were only ~80% full according to df. I made another
attempt, but the base.tgz extraction process failed in the same way.
In order to save more space, I mounted an NFS filesystem with the sets, so
that they wouldn't occupy any space on the /usr partition. Never mind that, it
still failed. So I deleted /src/sys, freeing a lot of space. Now, /usr was
only ~60% full. And it's just an upgrade, the filesystem shouldn't get much
bigger than it was at 1.4.1.
The extraction process seems to fail around the extraction of the timezone
data. Is it disk corruption, a buggy upgrade, or is my hardware going mad?
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Vi måste vara rädda om varandra - det är vårt enda reciproka pronomen.