Subject: Re: panic on 5000/25
To: None <>
From: Peter C. Wallace <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/17/2001 10:25:50
On Thu, 17 May 2001 wrote:

> Hi!
> Yesterday my 1.5 install welcomed me home  with 19 inches of "panic:"
> I'm unable to break to debug, it's completely frozen.
> I previously had problems with locks like this, but it's the first time I
> get a panic. Last time I got a "Stopped in dnetc at       mips1_KernGe" and
> was able to go into debug.
> I have tested the RAM and it's OK. I also tested without the extra video
> card and still get crashes.
> It doesn't seem to be related to temperature, but I seem to be able to
> force a crash within a day or two by generating alot of CPU activity, while
> a idle machine usually can stay up for about a week.
> If I leave it in the boot prompt it'll stay up forever.
> Anyone experienced similar problems ?
> /Jesper
doober (5000/33) does dns and various other services here - 1.5-release
kernel. Never had any funny behavior, uptimes determied only by rolling
blackouts: California ;-)

doober:/usr/users/pcw> uptime
10:15AM up 58 days, 19 hrs, 1 user, load averages: 0.08, 0.08, 0.08

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics