Subject: Re: Decstation 5000/200, status led ?
To: Thomas Poindessous <>,
From: Chris <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/18/2000 21:13:16
on 11/18/00 8:47 PM, Thomas Poindessous at wrote something

> Hi,
> I have got a digital decstation 5000/200, with a video card, a scsi card, 4
> memory cards and no hard drive.
> I tried to boot it :
> * with/without video card
> * with/without scsi card
> * with/without keybord/mouse plugged
> * with/without memory card

    You will need to keep the video card removed in order for the system to
use the serial console.

> Is there anyone who have the hardware reference manual for 5000/200 ?
> I need to know if the problem is from the hardware and which hardware.

    Yes there is a manual, but it won't tell you anything that you want to
know. Your problem is most likely related to the RS-422 MMJ connection that
the PROM is expecting. Basically DEC terminals only use 6 wires to
communicate, so the hardware handshaking is done with DTR/DSR instead of
RTS/CTS because those pins are not connected (I don't think anyway, been a
long time since I've checked). Try switching to dtr/dsr or a similar
combination. I don't know what carrier-watch is, if that's sensing CD then
you do want that off as you have set it. However if that's DSR then you want
it on. That should fix it for you, my 5000/200 did the same thing to me, I
thought it was dead for about two days before I finally figured out why it
wouldn't work.

