Subject: Re: 1.4.2 packages available
To: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDS.COM>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/25/2000 23:34:38
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Daniel Senderowicz wrote:
> I noticed that you compiled ghostscript5.50, that according to a
> personal mail from Peter Deutsch (the author) has some serious
> bugs, especially in pdf2ps and pswrite. 6.01, that fixes these and
> other driver problems has been available for quite a while now.
> In any case, thanks for the effort.
I just built what was in pkgsrc 6 weeks ago. I think ghostscript has been
updated since then so I'll catch that on the next go around