Subject: Re: netbooting a 5000/240 with 5.1b PROM :(
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Ulrich Teichert <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/06/2000 15:33:24

>> What ethernet type is it on? Do you use an tranceiver? SQE *must*
>> be switched on on an DECstation, else it will never attempt to get
>> an connection.
>It's get a twisted-pair transceiver on the AUI port, which was previously
>used on another machine so I know it works.
>I enabled SQE, but that doesn't seem to have changed the behavior any.

OK, that rules it out quite well.

>I see a flicker of activity on the MOP server; maybe my /tftpboot/mop
>setup needs to be different for the pmax. What did yours look like?

There's only the system file in my setup, all in caps:

arbas:/tftpboot/mop> ll
total 3169
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     root      3230496 Dec 30 01:05 IMEL.SYS*

In /etc/hosts imel's IP is listed and I had to fiddle with arp and rarp,
as I run linux on my boot server. Else there's nothing special.

Dipl. Inf. Ulrich Teichert|e-mail:
Stormweg 24               |listening to: Poliittinen Laulu (Punk Lurex OK),
24539 Neumuenster, Germany|Windy (The Decibels), Speed Of Life (Buzzcocks)