Subject: Re: ibus addresses [was Re: CVS commit: syssrc]
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/23/1999 18:15:33
>And dc driver will have a following structure;
>	dc0
>	   lkkbd0
>	      wskbd0
>	   vsms0
>	      wsmouse0  

That doesn't work. On the 5100, channel 0 and 1 are wired to serial
ports. The default console is on channel 0. Always hardiwring these to
mouse/keyboard is wrong.

>	   dctty0
>	   dctty1

Needs to be should be dctty2 and dctty3, since that's hwat they areon
a 5100. (well, line 3 may not be available).  Even on vaxstations,
3100s, and /5000/200, there is a hardware dongle to use the
`mouse'/`keyboard; ports as tty ports. The default numbering should
take that into account, because some NetBSD users use them.

(Forcing hardwiring the way that, say,  suns do is a bug,
on hardware that's not so rigid as Suns).

>	Dc1
>	   dctty2 [...]

Needs to be dctty4, and the rest bumped accordingly.
(ISTR that the 5100 onbly brings out 3 lines, but there
are 4 internally, and I think that's how we should number it.)