Subject: Re: Anonymous FTP
To: coddie <>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/20/1999 11:35:58
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, coddie wrote:

> Can you help me with establishing anonymous ftp? Under linux, there is
> special package with configuration, but what to do with netbsd? Gid,uid,
> shell for ftp user....
> Can you help me?

I've not done it before, but it looks like the things to do are:

% vipw

to add a line to the /etc/passwd file that looks like:


Where /ftp should be replaced with whatever directory is your anonymous
ftp directory.

Edit /etc/group and add the following group:


Edit /etc/ftpusers and make sure you have the following 2 lines:

ftp     allow
anonymous allow

I think this is it, but I'm not 100% sure of that.  For more details:
man ftpd

perhaps this can be turned into a HOW-TO once the steps are all verified?

Good luck
