Subject: emacs again
To: None <>
From: Reinhold Huber <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/21/1999 22:28:43
Hello all,
I tried to build emacs-20.3 on NetBSD 1.3.3 running on DS5000/240 or /125.
The way I chose was to take emacs-20.3[.2] sources directly from gnu,
unpacking the pkgsrc from NetBSD, and then comes a hack:
patch <NETBSD/emacs/patches/patch-*
./configure --prefix=/<some dir to install to>
and this one bombs with the following error when it tries to dump emacs:
Loading ediff-hook...
((26444 . 2433) (6601 . 0) (428 . 41) 55821 48577 (7 . 5) (0 . 0))
Finding pointers to doc strings...
Finding pointers to doc strings...done
Loading site-init (source)...
Dumping under names emacs and emacs-20.3.1
emacs: Can't close (/export/shome/soft/src/pmax-emacs-20.3/src/emacs): errno 13
sbss to bss offset =0x1080
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
And now the questions:
- Do I miss something the pkgsrc Makefile does and I don't?
- Can this work with an 1.3.3 release kernel?
- If not: Which kernel does it work with, and where can I get one? Does
this one, in turn, run in an 1.3.3 release environment?
Or am I completely out of luck and bound to wait that in 1.4.1 whatever
makes emacs with X coredump there is fixed?
Reinhold Huber