Subject: Re: bad keyboard "bounce" and other X questions.
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/14/1999 12:48:35
On Tue, 11 May 1999, Simon Burge wrote:
> Andrew Doran wrote:
> > Simon Burge wrote:
> >
> > > I'm taking the plunge and moving my dual-headed 5000/260 Ultrix xterm
> > > with two sfb's to NetBSD. However, with -current there's really bad
> > > "keyboard bounce" - it's almost as if auto-report is getting stuck on
> >
> > Oops.. Not my fault - is this with X and not the console?
> The problem sort of exists with both. With both a 1.4 and a 1.4B kernel
> on the console there's a bit of bounce when typing quickly. I cat'd the
> following into a file, and my typing isn't that bad:
> the quqiuckc brownw foxo jumps o voerer the lalzyd dodog
> The problem seemed as bad with 1.4 as with 1.4B. Does the Xserver do
> any debouncing anywhere?
> Yours in confusion,
I'm in confusion now as well.
My 5000/260 just started doing this. I had just built a 1.4 install
kernel and was going to test installing 1.4 on another disk. I hooked up
another expansion cabinet to the SCSI bus. I then started seeing extra
"keystrokes" - even while in the PROM.
What appears to be happening in my case is that I seem to be getting a
keyboard character when releasing a key. I.e. if I press and hold a,
press b, then release a and then b, I will see "aba". It looks very
simliar to what Simon shows above. Simon - what kind of keyboard are you
using? I think mine is currently an LK401. When I get done playing with
the install, I'm going to hook up an LK201 and see if that makes any