Subject: 5000/200 serial port at greater than 38400? (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Jean-Pierre Hofer <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/29/1998 15:02:38
>Does anybody know of a replacement to the DC7085 serial controller in
>the 5000/200 that will run at speeds greater than 38400?
>Alternatively, was there such as thing as a TurboChannel serial card?
>Email :
>Phone : +353-1-207-2843                ECN   : 830-2843


Is it really PHYSICAL not possible to run the DECstation on-board serial
ports at speeds higher than 384000 bps ?  Or is it more likely a restriction
in the software, e.g. in the driver ?

Jean-Pierre Hofer
Appareils scientifiques Hofer / Wissenschaftliche Geraete Hofer
Case postale  3126                               Phone     + 41 52 238 01 81
CH - 8021  Zuerich                               Facsimile + 41 52 238 01 88
Suisse / Switzerland                             e-mail
Street address (not for mail!): Industriestrasse 26, Winterthur, Switzerland