Subject: Re: -current on DS5000/240
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/07/1998 09:23:07
--text follows this line--
> -sfbinit() panics. The order of initializations looks a bit wrong
>  (fi->fi_base is used before initialized). After sorting this,
>  autoconfiguration completed, but the box still believes in
>  a graphics terminal, so I didn't get printouts after "init" was
>  started.

Restoring the previous sfb.c should care the trouble.  I cann't
explain why my -current kernel blows out randomly.  I've even seen
boot loader complained "Bad string table index (0xb69d)" before

Tohru Nishimura
Nara Institute of Science and Technology