Subject: Re: 1.3.2 Installation Woes
To: Marcel Chukwunenye <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/20/1998 13:58:42
On Jul 20,  1:47pm, Marcel Chukwunenye wrote:
> >From: "Michael L. Hitch" <>
> >On Jul 17,  9:07pm, Marcel Chukwunenye wrote:
> >> Problem: I moved target 0 and target 2 (one expansion cabinet)
> >> off to another system 5000/240 and tried booting from target 0. 
> >> It does not boot.
> >> So what did I do wrong?
> >
> >  Hmm - what is the memory configuration in the 5000/240?  I've seen a
> >problem mentioned on OpenBSD that seemed to indicate a problem with a
> >5000/240 that had 8M SIMMS installed.
> Well, I have four (4) disks at target 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4; all seen by
> the system. I have 136MB of RAM in the following order:
> 8MB, 32MB; original when I first got the 5000/240. Robbed 3 scraped
> machines of their (32MB each) memory as the got scraped and added
> them to this 5000/240. This system was working before shutdown; but
> the disk got messed up. So, I have memory in this order:
> 8MB, 32MB,  8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB, 8MB.
> Atotal of 136MB.
> The system does not report any errors. The Kernel starts; but the 
> boot hangs after displaying the line that says:
> "The Regents of the University of Califonia. All Rights Reserved"
> I brought this disk back to the office today and it boots fine on
> the helper system 5000/200.
> The CPU will be in my office tomorrow. In the meantime any clues 
> will help.

  Does "cnfg 3" from the console prompt show the correct memory configuration?
[I'm curious to know if the PROM memory sizer is smart enough to handle that
memory configuration.  I would sort of expect it to see an 8M module in the
first slot, and configure the memory size based on that - which would mean
the 32M module in the second slot would only be using 8M.  Or the PROM could
be smart enough to check all the memory slots and configure the memory as
32M modules, but still indicate the 8M segments.]

  NetBSD will not currently support a mixed memory configuration [where the
memory slot size is configured as 32M, but populated with 8M modules].

  Also, I am not sure that using 8M modules in a 5000/240 is supported.
[If I can get my hands on a 5000/240 or 5000/260 again, I plan on checking
on that.]

  I would suggest pulling out all the 8M modules, and just use the 32M
module and see if it will boot with that.  [You might also try booting with
a single 8M module and let me know if that works or not.]


Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA