Subject: Re: SysV shared memory?
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Gapen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/06/1998 09:41:01
Le 06-Avr-98, mjbedy a =E9crit:

>  This is not SysVshared memory, it's the MIT Xwindows shared memory
>extention. For somereason, the X server pukes when a client requests it.=

>Try looking for a commandline option to turn it off.

    Well I'll be!  The ktrace output was claiming that shmget() wasn't
implemented, but it turns out that it is the X shared memory!  Running xa=
with the -B option (to turn off X shared memory) works.  It also works if=
re-direct the display to my Amiga.  (And it's actually faster at playback=
the AmigaOS-native players.)
     Cool, thanks!