Subject: RE: X on a DECstation 3100
To: '' <>
From: Rob Mohr <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/27/1998 22:32:21
/dev/mouse is already linked to /dev/fb0.
ls -al /dev/mouse
lrwx------ 1 root wheel 3 Feb 27 19:53 /dev/mouse -> fb0
I saw mention of this problem in the list archives, but no sign of a
solution. It sounds like the problem is specific to the 3100 from what I
can gather. Anyone come up with a fix yet?
(P.S. I added an .xinitrc file to my home directory based on the man page
for xinit. Now that twm is running the xterm does have a window border.
Still no mouse though.)
Rob Mohr
On Friday, February 27, 1998 10:03 PM, CyberPeasant
[] wrote:
> My impression is that there is only one color fb for the 3100, namely
> the one your already (correctly) using. If you got the xterm, you've
> got the right framebuffer.
> For the mouse, look in /dev
> Try
> ln -s /dev/fb0 /dev/mouse
> I'm an OpenBSD user, not NetBSD, on the pmax. But I think this is the
> Right Thing to do.
> Dave
> --
> PGP public key: finger
> --== There are Greeks in that horse! I can hear them! ==--