Subject: Re: DecStation 5000/120 Troubles...
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/21/1998 22:27:28
On Feb 22, 3:39pm, Simon Burge wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Feb 1998 15:06:55 -0700 Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> > I had a chance this week to play with a PMAGB-BA that has two crystal
> > oscillators. I was trying to get it to work with a 17" monitor I have
> > at home. With the jumper removed, the board uses the higher frequency
> > oscillator, and gives a display of 1280x1024 - which didn't work with
> > my monitor. On a whim, I added the jumper which appears to use the second
> > oscillator, and that resulted in a 1024x786 display which worked with my
> > monitor - until NetBSD booted anyway. NetBSD assumes that the PMAGB board
> > is 1280x1024, which will not work correctly when the PMAGB is using the
> > slower oscillator.
> >
> > I modified the sfb.c driver to use 1024x768 and was able to get NetBSD
> > to boot using that resolution. The trick now is to have the driver detect
> > what resolution the PMAGB is actually using and automatically set the
> > appropriate display parameters. From the sfbreg.h file, I do see a couple
> > of registers on the PMAGB that seem to have something to do with the
> > horizontal and vertical configuration, but I don't know what the values
> > of those registers really mean.
> Just a hunch, but do the register values correspond to what a "cnfg
> <slot>" shows? The PMAGB is about the most "verbose" card I've seen
> when it comes to the cnfg command. I can dig up what each frequency
> (1024x864 and 1280x1024) returns later on today. (Are you sure you're
> seeing 768 lines and not 864 lines?).
Quite sure [VHORIZONTAL and VVERTICAL are the sfb registers]:
sfb0 at tc0 slot 0 offset 0x0
(1024x768x8)tc_intr_establish: slot 0 level 0 handler 0x8011d600 sc 0xc0401900 on
cnfg 0
0: PMAGB-BA DEC V1.1 TCF0 (HX -- d=8 )
Video Ram Size 2097152
Number of Planes 8
Character Rows 51
Character Columns 128
Crystal Selected (Mhz) 74
Refresh Rate (Hz) 72
Vertical Scanlines 768
Vertical Front Porch 1
Vertical Back Porch 22
Vertical Sync 6
Horizontal pixels 1024
Horizontal front porch 16
Horizontal back porch 128
Horizontal Sync 128
Refresh Count 291
Cursor X 232
Cursor Y 27
Video Base Address 0x1000
sfb0 at tc0 slot 0 offset 0x0
(1024x768x8)tc_intr_establish: slot 0 level 0 handler 0x8011d600 sc 0xc0401900 on
cnfg 0
0: PMAGB-BA DEC V1.1 TCF0 (HX -- d=8 )
Video Ram Size 2097152
Number of Planes 8
Character Rows 68
Character Columns 160
Crystal Selected (Mhz) 130
Refresh Rate (Hz) 72
Vertical Scanlines 1024
Vertical Front Porch 3
Vertical Back Porch 34
Vertical Sync 3
Horizontal pixels 1280
Horizontal front porch 32
Horizontal back porch 232
Horizontal Sync 160
Refresh Count 468
Cursor X 368
Cursor Y 38
Video Base Address 0x1000
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA