Subject: Re: random panic with -current kernel.
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/23/1997 15:50:28
On Jun 23,  2:12pm, Simon Burge wrote:
> I got this panic on my 5000/240 this first time I used a kernel with the
> new 2 year step for the RTC and tried to set the date.  The date before
> this was Jun 23, 1998 - exactly one year into the future.  Since then I
> have not been able to reproduce the problem - ntpdate set the time ok.
> Given that I can't reproduce the problem, should I PR this?

  I'd say yes, definately send a PR.

> mona:~ 1# ntpdate timehost
> ktlbmiss: PC 80030a08 RA 800438b4 ADR ffffc184
> SR 800 CR 3000000c SP 8002ffe0

  The SP displayed is meaningless due to a bug in the code that displays
this message.  I have fixed this so that the original SP at the time of
the exception is displayed.

  I have also added a display of the wired TLB entries used to map the kernel
stack so I can get a verification that the TLB entries are correct [or what
they are if they are incorrect].

  These changes should be available in the next SUP.  Anyone getting this
panic with a kernel with these changes please send me the output between
the "ktlbmiss" and the "panic".


Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA