Subject: Re: Government Games, the same old tune.
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Linda D. Pendleton <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/23/1997 13:53:25

I've kept silent until now because these insane flames are taking up
valuable bandwidth and time.   But, you are certainly an a**hole.  You can
stand NO criticism whatsoever.  

Your comments to Sue are totally out of line.

BTW, I needlepoint and do canvas stitching, too.  That is of course when
I'm not flying jets or teaching others to do so.

Please stop this crap!

Linda D. Pendleton

> That's a good plan Sue.  How about moving on to something that you are
> qualified in, like Needlepoint, or Canvas stitching, one of your
> favorates.  As far as Aviation Safety goes, I honestly don't think that
> you are qualified to comment on the concepts involved.  I'm sure you
> will agree.
> I will however, keep you in mind when I need my next set of wing
> covers.  Until then, just keep having fun with the boys and girls in
> those really interesting news groups that you post too.  Say goodnight
> Sue.
> Roswell