Subject: Re: more shared lib nastiness
To: Tom Yu <tlyu@MIT.EDU>
From: Thomas Graichen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/14/1997 13:41:19
hasn't Tom Yu said ? ...
> It appears that the doesn't really work in the snapshot.  In
> particular, it fails to obey LD_LIBRARY_PATH for specifying the
> locations of shared libraries.  It also fails to load any executable
> with more than 4 shared libraries.
> ldd has the same problem with > 4 shared libraries, but it obeys a
> non-relative LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  IMHO things should obey a relative
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well, though.
> Any chance on getting the ld.elf_so to work on the pmax and to fix
> whatever bug results in the 4 libraries or less problem?
maybe the 4 shlib problem is due to the following which resulted in
the same behaviour on OpenBSD/pmax:

CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    97/02/12 15:49:33

Modified files:

Log message:
Don't space text/data in shared libs by 256Mb. can't handle it
with the shm sizing method it uses for the moment, so loading many
shlibs effectively makes a proram run out of VM.

don't know if it's the same for NetBSD/pmax - more about this you may
simply find out from the OpenBSD cvs tree which can be easyly accessed
by anyone via anoncvs

hope this helps


  thomas graichen -

  perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when
      there is no longer anything to take away    antoine de saint-exupery