Subject: Re: boot problems...
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew Orgass <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/22/1996 21:03:55
On Wed, 22 May 1996, Eric McWhorter wrote:

> Matthew Orgass writes:
> As someone pointed out to me whenst I first installed, the dd command in
> the directions is wrong.  It should read:
> dd if=./miniroot of=/dev/rrz2c seek=16 skip=16
> Notice the additional skip argument.

  Thanks!  The error messages given in response to the command the 
instructions say to boot with (boot 3/rz2a/netbsd) seem to imply that 
Ultrix does not recongnize the a partition of the drive.  Since skip only
skips part of the input file, it shouldn't corrupt the partition table.  
Or were the instructions wrong there too and the right command is boot 

  Also, am I right in assuming that I don't need to disklabel it again?  


Matthew Orgass