Subject: Re: those dumb questions
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: Andrew Gallatin <gallatin@isds.Duke.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/16/1995 21:53:09
Ted Lemon writes:
 > Are you volunteering to write a FAQ?   I'd really appreciate it if you
 > have the time!

Err... Uh... possibly.. I'm not just sure just yet.

 > Nope.   The pty code is all in the machine-independent part of the
 > kernel.   You may just be losing because tcsh gets you out of line
 > mode.   This definitely bears investigation, though - I'm *not* having
 > this problem and I'm running the same version of tcsh.   Actually, if
 > you want, you can try my tcsh binary and see if it makes a
 > difference...

Please.  If you could upload it to the incoming directory at I'd be happy to try it out (or you could put it on with the rest of the stuff you've uploaded.)

 > > I seem to recall one must have DIAGNOSTIC or DEBUG defined to get
 > > the COMPAT_ULTRIX code to work.  Rebuilding w/o the above defened
 > > broke ultrix compatibility .. everything exits with 'bad system call.'
 > > I'm rebuilding right now to test my theory.
 > This shouldn't be true.   Let me know if experimentation proves that
 > it is...

That wasn't it. Darn.  In case I'm doing something else brain damaged,
I've appended my config file.  I've not hacked at any other
configuration stuff in the pmax/conf directory, but I may be leaving
something important out.

Thanks for the help,


#	Hals - 16M mono DS3100  KN01 7.03
machine		pmax

cpu		"DS3100"
ident		HALS

# Need to set locally
timezone	5 dst
maxusers	16

# Standard system options
options		SWAPPAGER		# swap pager (anonymous and swap space)
options		VNODEPAGER		# vnode pager (mapped files)
options		DEVPAGER		# device pager (mapped devices)
options         DIAGNOSTIC              # extra kernel debugging checks
options         DEBUG                   # extra kernel debugging support
options		"COMPAT_43"		# compatibility with 4.3BSD binaries
options		KTRACE			# system call tracing support
options		"NKMEMCLUSTERS=1024"	# 4K pages in kernel malloc pool
#options	KGDB			# support for kernel gdb
#options	"KGDBRATE=19200"	# kernel gdb port rate (default 9600)
#options	"KGDBDEV=15*256+0"	# device for kernel gdb

# Filesystem options
options		FIFO		# POSIX fifo support (in all filesystems)
options		FFS,QUOTA	# fast filesystem with user and group quotas
options		NFSCLIENT	# Sun NFS-compatible filesystem (client)
options		NFSSERVER	# Sun NFS-compatible filesystem (server)

# Networking options
options		INET		# Internet protocols
options		"TCP_COMPAT_42"	# compatibility with 4.2BSD TCP/IP

# pmax specific
options		COMPAT_ULTRIX	# ultrix compatibility

#config		netbsd swap generic
config		netbsd root on rz0a swap on rz0b dumps on rz0b

controller	dc0	at nexus0 csr ?
controller	pm0	at nexus0 csr ?
controller	le0	at nexus0 csr ?
master		sii0	at nexus0 csr ?
disk		rz0	at sii0 drive 0 slave 0
disk		rz1	at sii0 drive 1 slave 0
disk		rz2	at sii0 drive 2 slave 0
disk		rz3	at sii0 drive 3 slave 0

pseudo-device	pty		16	# pseudo ptys
pseudo-device	loop
pseudo-device	ether