Subject: DS3100 FS
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ed Jones <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/10/1995 12:05:39
I apologize for posting a for sale message to a porting list but I thought
maybe one of you might be interested. I have an extra DECstation 3100
with the color video SIM that is just sitting around not being used. 
I'd like to trade it for a video card for my 5000/125, a monitor or
something cool that I don't have. I might even take money. If yer 
interested lemme know. Again, sorry for posting here if it's not really
appropriate. Flame away if u wish.
* Ed Jones --  ????????????           |    *
* Signal Detection Lab                |       *
* Department of Psychology            |     ejones@wsu  (Bitnet)           *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Ed Jones -- Graduate Student        | This is your world in which we     *
* Department of Economics	      |	grow, and we will grow to hate you *
* Wright State University             |                                    *