Subject: RE: which binaries ??
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/09/1995 05:59:13
> >From: Stephen Degler SYSTEMS-ADMIN Admin NY x9476 <>
> >Received: (sdegler@localhost) by (8.6.9/8.6.9) id SAA20805 for port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG; Wed, 8 Mar 1995 18:10:16 -0500
> >Message-Id: <>
> >Subject: which binaries ??
> >To: port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG
> >Hi,
> >I was able to boot a DS3100 using the valentines day kernel, but it
> >seemed that I had to use binaries from stanford, not When
> >I tried to boot with them, the exec of init would fail. Can anyone
> >shed some light on this?
> I've been working too hard and my memory is fuzzy, but:
> perhaps it's an a.out vs. ELF problem. I still use `native' NetBSD
> a.out binaries.
> It's possible that the kernel on Gregorio.Stanford.EDU was built
> *before* Ted Lemon's changes to support ELF binaries were completely
> merged into the NetBSD kernel. This seems unlikely, though: more
> likely the kernel on Gregorio doesn't support 4.4bsd a.out binaries.
> Personally, I've had no problems with the a.out binaries, except of
> course for the FP bugs biting gawk and pow().
> I guess I should just bite the bullet and update my toolset to ELF.
> If anyone who had problems with the bootblocks on Gregorio
> could try yesterday's bootblocks, they'll get much more informative
> error messages. The bootblocks should work with either set of binaries.
I was using Valentine's kernel with elf binary set with no greater problems
on my 5k/240.
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