Subject: What is the status of the pmax version?
To: None <>
From: David Conran <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/21/1994 21:42:18
 I was wondering what the status was from the pmax version of NetBSD.
I had a look around ... but it looks awfully quiet on the
pmax front. I would dearly love to throw Ultrix off of my little DS3100
and was wondering how mature the port was. Can it boot beyond single
user mode yet? Has the binary format been decided yet? Is there a binary
release for it yet?
If the answers to some of these questions are yes, I know a lot of people at
my work who also have 3100's, who will be very very pleased. (eg. If they can
get the machine into a usable state, I am sure they will help with the porting
effort as I know the use their 3100's every day)

Sorry for intruding.
Bye ... David
 _--_|\  David Conran,                           Voice: +61-7-365-4310
/      * Systems Administrator                   Fax:   +61-7-365-4311
\_.--._/ DSTC, Level 7, Gehrmann Laboratories,   Email:
      v  The University of Queensland, Q, 4072  "Reach out and grep someone"