Subject: NetBSD-pmax w/o Ultrix?
To: Mailing-List Pmax <>
From: The Dragon De Monsyne <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/04/1994 17:03:43
	At this stage in th' game, is it possible to setup & run 
NetBSD-pmax w/o Ultrix? I have a few  OS-less 
doorstops^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HDECstations, and would like to get SOME use out 
of 'em, but I don't have ultrix. (These are DS5000/25's BTW.) I can get 
access to other Unixen, just not Ultrix ones.  So, is NetBSD-pmax a 
'stand-alone' OS (tho' beta/alpha/whatever-test, I'm sure) ?  If not, 
anyone wanna buy 2 DS5k/25's, cuz I can't use 'em. 

  /~~   -The Dragon De Monsyne               	 /  The Integration     ~~\
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