Subject: Re: General status information
To: Theo Deraadt <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/22/1993 21:00:12
>The code is in the tree almost unchanged from how it was donated.  It
>needs to be fixed to do things "the NetBSD way".

>A few people volunteered to help get this code working, but we've not
>heard much from them.

Are they on this list?  If so, maybe one of them can tell me how far they have
gotten?  :)

>The code is from 4.4 -- hence it is much easier/better to merge it
>into the NetBSD magnum branch. This branch is (as yet) not available
>to the net at large... only people who have sun-lamp accounts can work
>on it easily.

I've heard rumors of this branch, but never what it is exactly...

Also, as I've no sun-lamp account...  :)

>Yes.. that means there are about 4 people familiar with what changes 
>need to be made. 

Wow.  A whole 4?  :(

>So, if you're a wiley hacker who wants to make this happen, get in
>touch with me. (It should not take too long if you pay close attention
>to what had to be changed to make the sparc port fit in, perhaps 2
>weeks till you are able to build a crash-and-burn kernel.)

I can TRY...

>I would *love* to see this port working.

As would I, but I'm unsure if I can dedicate all the time it would take...
I'd like to graduate sometime...


Michael Graff    Iowa State University Computation Center      Project Vincent
215 Durham                voice: (515) 294-4994 
Ames, IA  50011           fax:   (515) 294-1717           gg.mlg@isumvs.bitnet
