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, the salesman w

Proof-reader and author combined and follows his own sweet will. As
every error on the
first proof must be corrected by the compositor at
his own expense, here arises

the cause of war mentioned in our opening paragraph. Much has been
about printers' errors and the mistakes of "the intelligent
Aside from those caused by illegible manuscript, mistakes arise from
faulty "distribution," that is to say, the type has been thrown into
the wrong boxes. Thus we get _c_ for _e_, _h_ for _n_, _y_ for _p_,
etc., these boxes being
contiguous and the letters of the
same thickness; if, for instance, the compositor picked
up _u_ instead of _t_ the difference in thickness would at once be
noticed by him and the mistake rectified. Then letters are sometimes
set upside down and we find letters of a different "face" which have
got into the case by mistake. In type set on machine, errors arise
from striking adjacent keys, or some matrix will stick in the channel
and make its appearance later, sometimes

even in the next line. But the chief source of error is illegible or
carelessly prepared manuscript, and to the author's slips of the pen
be added in these days the slips of the typewriter. It is quite
possible for
a man to be an expert in astronomy, medicine, or natural history and
yet have hazy ideas on spelling and punctuation. "When in doubt use a
dash" is an old standing joke, but some authors use dashes all the
time, making them do duty for commas, semicolons, and periods. They
will write indifferently 4 or four and frequently t

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