Subject: Re: /usr/mdec/boot and bim.8
To: None <>
From: Raymond Wiker <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 09/14/2001 09:37:00
Simon Burge writes:
 > Now, the next two problems...
 > 1)  The ROM monitor can't find the bim info.  The monitor just says
 >     something like "disk not set up" or similar.  If I manually load the
 >     kernel (good think I wrote the location down!), and run bim again,
 >     it can find the previously entered info.  Note that I have a 500MB
 >     disk (not big enough for a source tree) and my boot partition is at
 >     the end of the disk.

	You need the "AutoBoot" monitor for this, I think.


Raymond Wiker