Subject: Re: panic: free vnode isn't
To: Jon Buller <>
From: Matthias Pfaller <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 11/25/1999 09:46:50
Jon Buller wrote:
> Has anyone else seen this panic?

Yes. Phil Nelson and Ian Dall are getting this. I'm (sometimes) able to
reproduce it, but not as reliable as Phil or Ian. I have started looking
around in /sys/kern/vfs_subr.c and put some debug output there, but sofar
I have no idea what's causing this. That I'm not using my 532 to often
these days is not helping the bughunt...

> panic: free vnode isn't
> Stopped in bash at      0xf80cfd3c:     exit    []
> db> trace
> (null)(fc753d44,fc7bf30c,fc7bf30c,fc753cf4,f803716e) at 0xf80cfd3c
> (null)(f80370cc,fc81b620,f91a1088,90,fc753d48) at 0xf80202ab
> (null)(1,f81d0400,f81ad200,fc753d44) at 0xf803716e
> (null)(f81d0400,57247,fc753dc0) at 0xf80a86e0
> (null)(fc753e28) at 0xf80aafac
> (null)(fc753ebc) at 0xf80369a6
> (null)(fc753ebc) at 0xf803651f
> (null)(fc74539c,fc753fa4,fc753f9c) at 0xf803b326
> (null)(24,fdc6c,e640c,e6b4c,fdc6c) at 0xf80d5663
> (null)(b400000,fc2187,0,0,0) at 0xf800270c
> db> reboot
> I guess I need to figure out why I get the bogus symbol table
> message at boot time too.  Never really needed it (or worried about
> it) before...

Just use bim and install a new booter. There were a couple of versions
of our boot code that had problems loading the symbol table.

Matthias Pfaller                            Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH    Tel   +49 8131 5161-41
Hans-B=F6ckler-Str. 2, D 85221 Dachau         Fax   +49 8131 5161-66                        Email