Subject: Re: [pkg] perl not working
To: Phil Nelson <>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 06/25/1998 21:41:15
Phil Nelson <> wrote:

> Yes, it should be recompiled so things work.  That is a "last minute"
> show stopper bug for the pc532 ... that wasn't discovered until real
> late :)

I agree, but that would leave some loose ends.  Like, the sources
don't match the objects, and is it too late to get a pull-up request
in for 1.3.2?  8-)  Do you want this in as a PR when (if? 8-) I
get the patch working?  Will it make it into 1.3.3 (if that happens)

I suppose (without listening to advice or reason) I think I should
apply the patch, and submit a PR.  Ideally, I would make a new set
of source tars too.  But then we might as well be making 1.3.3 or
