Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.3 distribution (finally) available
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 01/19/1998 17:51:58
>For those of us not familiar with the NetBSD build process, is there
>a document describing the full build process? If not, and it is simple,
>could you list the steps involved? And how much disk space is necessary
>for the process?

Here are several commands:

1)  In /usr/src:  "make build"  -- cleans the entire source tree,
		makes depend, builds libs, install libs, builds user
		land, installs user land.

2)  In /usr/src:  "make" just compiles the entire tree.  Should do a
		"make includes" first.

3)  In /usr/src/etc/etc.pc532:  (after a make in /usr/src has completed)
		"make distribution DESTDIR=/dir/to/build EXPORTABLE_SYSTEM=yes"
		builds a distribution tree in the /dir/to/build.

4)  In /usr/src/distrib/pc532/floppies:  "make" to build an install file
		system.  (Needs the INSTALL kernel built.)

5)  In /usr/src/distrib/sets:  shell scritps to make the tar files ...

6)  In /usr/src/distrib/notes:  "make" to make the INSTALL.pc532 document.

And there may be other things to do in other places, like build kernels,
but that is basically the set I use.

Phil Nelson (NetBSD/pc532 machine) (work)