Subject: Re: SCSI<->SCSI connection
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 03/03/1996 11:01:08
>From: (Eyal Lebedinsky)

The subject came up again recently, and I am still trying to get my
>pc532 connected to the rest of my machines at home.
>A friend is building a Linux driver to allow SCSI target mode and implement
>a network xface over it.
>When (if) he gets it going, there will be a need for a similar thing on the
>pc532 side. I have the NetBSD 1.1 but did not yet install it, does it have 
>drivers for both SCSI controllers? I was thinking it will be nice to
>dedicate one for networking.

No, it does not have a driver for the Adaptec yet.  There is a driver
for the lites that we might be able to adapt, but it has not been done yet.

>To repeat the Q: does the BSD have SCSI drivers for both chips? Is
>anybody game to write the net-over-scsi code?

I would love to see this done.  It could be done in the MI code
for NetBSD.  Then all ports would have access to this.  Is there
a standard for SCSI<->SCSI net?

Phil Nelson