Subject: Agh! Can someone send me a kermit or szrz binary for 1.1 ALPHA?
To: None <port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 11/03/1995 12:11:03
The reason I've been so quiet lately is that I've spent the last 3 days
trying to download the friggin' base.tar.gz image to the pc532 box!

Trying to do it at anything >9600 baud was a fool's errand, as I finally
concluded after my 3rd botched transfer or so, and I finally dropped to
9600 and was rewarded by a "CRC ok, length = 7430070" message the last
3 times I downloaded it.  Why 3 times?  Well, despite the CRC being OK
it still seems that the image is corrupted.  Each and every time the
extract from base.tar.gz got to some point in the middle and fell over.
The last time I got a little farther than the others, but still:

-r-xr-xr-x 3/7           12288 Oct 17 23:02 1995 ./usr/bin/tee
-r-xr-xr-x 3/7           65536 Oct 17 23:02 1995 ./usr/bin/telnet

gzip: stdin: Input/output error
tar: Unexpected EOF on archive file

And yep, I've checked the original base.tar.gz file on my end and it
extracts all the way through just fine and dandy!

So at this point I can only conclude that download.c doesn't work worth
a hill of beans and I need a more robust comms protocol.  I tried the original
kermit, which worked fine with the previous version, but now it dies
immediately with "Illegal Instruction"  (!?!).

