Subject: Re: Well, I *wanted* to say that my pc532 lived!
To: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
From: David Fellows <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 10/12/1995 09:57:21
> Well, I have the miniroot fairly well configured and I've extracted
> util.tar.gz on top of my new root.
> Pretty spiffy, guys!
> Anyway, I was just curious to know how other folks got through this
> little problem.  I suppose I could use the miniroot trick again and
> download other collections like bin and sbin until I have enough
> in place to go forward.  This is an 8MB machine, after all.. :-)
> 					Jordan

Thats's what I did last August.  I have 15 diskettes each with a 1 meg
piece of base.tar.gz on it.  I downloaded them and pasted them into
a spare partiton on the disk.  Then did tar -gxvf /dev/partition.
Amazing! :-)
It was just a tad tedious, but it worked.
Dave F