Subject: NetBSD Updates ....
To: None <>
From: Julian Howard Stacey <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 05/22/1994 10:30:09
> >If the shared library support is far enough along, it would be nice
> >if the binary snapshot used it.

I disagree, Let's go slow on this one please.
I have used shared libs on FreeBSD since the inception,
it was a _long_ long tale of agony & woe, before they eventually worked
reliably & continuously.

I dont want to see that can of worms opened prior to a period of
stability in which we can recompile at least most of /src reliably,
including sys for kernel, + gcc & make & ld etc, _reliably_,
as soon as I can do that on the pc532 here, I'll write tapes for all those
poor Minix & Mach folk that still need to be migrated.

None of us here have yet compiled any NetBSD kernel
(None = Karlheinz, Gary, Julian, Stuart) 
& since I recompiled src, the compiler's broken too :-(

Believe me - shared libs are a real pain - you think they work, then they 
break again, & again, I agree they're nice when they work, but lets
get a few more sites able to compile themselves before we go shooting 
ourselves in the feet regularly with shared libs !

If you want more battle tales on the combined joy & pain of shared libs,
ask Jordan <>

