Subject: Re: Newbie netbooting from Mac OS X
To: Aram Greenman <>
From: Christian Limpach <chris@Pin.LU>
List: port-next68k
Date: 08/05/2002 19:31:12
Quoting Aram Greenman <>:

> I am trying to netboot a NeXTStation from a Mac OS X server and have 
> followed all the instructions in the HOW-TO (I think) but all my slab 
> says is
> Requesting BOOTP information.... [timeout]

you should use tcpdump on the Mac to check if it receives packets from the 
station and if the Mac sends any replies.  If you have NeXTstep on the 
station, you should maybe also confirm that the network connection works at 

> host nextstation {
>          hardware ethernet 00:00:0f:00:fd:fe;
>          fixed-address;
        filename "/path/to/boot";
        option root-path "/path/to/root-for-client";
> }

then, if the Mac sees the packets from the station, check the arp cache on 
the Mac (arp -a).  I have to add entries for my stations in my nfs server's 
arp cache (running linux), otherwise it won't talk to the stations.  My dhcp 
server (on NetBSD) doesn't need manual entries...

Christian Limpach <chris@Pin.LU>