Subject: Re: Neat "feature"
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 07/11/2002 13:01:42
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On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 12:39:40PM -0400, D Cleveland wrote:
> I just found a neat "feature" out about the NeXT slabs last night.  If you
> turn it on with a monitor, unplug the monitor, and then plug it back in,
> it powers down the machine.  I did it with a NeXT turbo, but im assuming
> since the configuration is the same for the 25mhz slabs that this would
> happen with them as well.  I need to be able to have netbsd on the slabs
> without monitors, but be able to reconnect a monitor at any time.  Is this
> possible?  Thanks!

You *should* be able to run a NeXT sans monitor as long as you've
got a soundbox with the keyboard plugged in through that.

I'm making guesses here, but if you've got your keyboard through
your monitor, unplugging and then replugging it is tripping the
power button signal.

gabriel rosenkoetter

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