Subject: Re: How about X
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-next68k
Date: 04/10/2001 12:10:19
> Greetings to the author of MouseX ;-).  (I am still using it on NS.)

Greetings.  Glad to hear it's still being useful.  (I idly wondered
whether anyone here would recognize me as such.)

>> If that's still of interest, drop me a line and I'll see what I can
>> knock together.
> This would certainly be very nice to have.

Okay, I've added it to my TODO file. :-)

> I've been thinking about the following: While direct framebuffer
> writing is certainly fast enough for X (nicely proven by MouseX), I'm
> fairly sure NeXT hardware has a DMA channel for video (and a video
> retrace interrupt).

> Is there an obvious way to integrate this into the design for a
> next68k X server?  (Even if only as something to be added later.)

Using hardware snazziness just means using non-MI versions of more of
the drawing layer functions.  (Assuming suitable OS support, of course.)

> There's a considerable difference in responsiveness between DPS and X
> on NEXTSTEP/m68k, so this could make quite a difference in usability.

I'm not sure it's because of a DMA channel.  I've seen it said that
black machines actually have blitter hardware, and knowing how to use
*that* would, I suspect, help far more.  I know using the hardware
acceleration of the cg6 immensely improved console feel on /sparc.

> If necessary I could try to dig up in my notes where the video DMA
> device is mapped.

I'd love to get any doco you can release for the hardware.  (May not be
enough to actually help, but more information is almost never worse
than less information.)

					der Mouse

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