Subject: troubles netbooting a slab
To: None <>
From: Ryan Yeske <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 04/23/2000 12:18:21
Hello all,

(Sorry if this is not the right NetBSD maillist for this type of
question, but I figger my problem might be specific to NeXT.)

I have a slab netbooting NetBSD-1.4.2 but the problem is it only comes
up maybe 1 out of 20 times.  Most of the time i get a:

925960enintr: timed out.
net_close: calling netif_close()
load of en()netbsd: Input/output error

on the NeXT ROM Monitor part way through loading the first stage (the

My server is a i86 GNU/Linux box and I understand that there may be
problems with Linux's NFS server wrt NetBSD's 8k block size (read this
in NetBoot-HOWTO) but the solutions there were to tweak things on the
client machine which doesnt help me for netbooting.  Everything is
dead stable once the machine is booted (lots of ethernet collisions

Does anyone else see the same problem?  Any suggestions?
