Subject: panic: xe0: packet too long
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 12/24/1999 05:58:31
Well, I upgraded my '040 slab to 32 megs of all parity.
I reinstalled its NFS mounts from 1.4 and did the usual
stuff to break it in -- build/install tcsh, which went okay,
and build/install cvs, which didn't. Partway through it
got a panic.

Instead of typing in the stack trace, I used my handy-dandy
QuickCam to take a pair of screen shots showing the DDB
output. You can find them at:

Any ideas on this one? It happened with vanilla 1.4 everything,
so I haven't got much choice but to reboot, clean up, and re-run
the make.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @