Subject: not boot for you! (Was: Re: HD size & NWS-3710)
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
From: Mauricio <>
List: port-newsmips
Date: 01/08/2004 11:52:28
At 02:29 +0900 1/7/04, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
>In article <a06002003bc1fc18209d7@[]>
> wrote:
>>  Ok, almost as I think the password I gave it is not what I thought.
>BTW, you could boot a kernel into single user by "bo /2 sd(6)".

	Thanks for the info!  I will try to remember that for next 
time.  For now,s ince I replaced the HD and reinstalled netbsd in 
this larger drive, I have no problems logging in as root.

>>  Will it be smarter to have its ID = 0?
>I think so.


>>  Also, if I set the jumper 5 to autoboot (on), would I see that
>>  happening in console or I will just have to have faith *or* I need to
>>  boot as above (manually)?
>I don't know newsmips machines can autoboot from disk with ID
>other than 0. Some models (NWS-3410 etc.) autoboots via network
>by default, but you may be able to change default by
>"set bootdev=scsi" command on PROM. (but I haven't confirmed it though)

	It seems it was a bit confused using "scsi" as the target:

NEWS> set bootdev=scsi
NEWS> bo
scsi: Unknown device.
NEWS> set bootdev=sd(0)
NEWS> bo
NetBSD/newsmips Primary Boot
NetBSD/newsmips Secondary Boot, Revision 1.7
(, Fri Nov 28 21:51:43 UTC 2003)
Booting sd(0,0,0)
2187392+206184 [87920+75310]=0x27059c

>>	I am pretty excited now =)
>Yeah, congratulations. I'm also glad to see actual NetBSD/newsmips users :-)

	Me too!  However, right now I still am not able to turn on 
the machine and have it boot itself.  I enabled autoboot (jumper 5 = 
on) and turned the machine on but it has not booted on me:  my 
console window (connected to its serial port) reports nothing.  And, 
after having the machine on for the night, I cannot ping (IP 
# ) it either (I decided to do that in case it simply did 
not want to write to console):

Last login: Wed Jan  7 14:22:10 from tisalaj.kushana
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.9       Generic May 2002
  11:44am  up 7 day(s), 18:02,  1 user,  load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.02
no answer from