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Re: HD size & NWS-3710

At 22:17 +0900 1/5/04, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
In article <a06002000bc1f0ffb4fe8@[]>
supremedalek%hotpop.com@localhost wrote:

 NEWS> bo sd0
 Bad device specification.

Maybe "bo sd(0)" (or just "bo sd") works on news3xx0 machines.

Let me try that. Incidentally, I usually have all dip switches in the off position. Just now, I had switch 5 in the on position (autoboot?) and nothing happened. So, I then tried your suggestion:

NEWS> bo sd(0)
Device off line.
NEWS> bo sd
Device off line.
 >   What do I need to build binaries from source?

All sources under pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/ dir.
Please see FAQs and src/BUILDING doc for details:

In short, "sh build.sh -m newsmips -R [somewhere] -D [somewhere] release"
on srcdir should work. The fastest machine would be better.

From what I read I can then build the binaries for the NEWS 3710 box in my sparc/Sol9 or DEC/netbsd box? Cool!

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