Subject: Getting GNU toolz to build on a 3250
To: None <>
From: Raymond Moyers <>
List: port-newsmips
Date: 02/17/2000 07:12:48
 I have a NWS-3250, complete with dead lithim battery, that still runs
 # uname -a
sony sony 4.0 5.0.1 NEWS3200 mips.r3000

 Ive been attempting in vain to get the gnu tools a foothold on it

 i Have yet to chance netbsd-port-newsmips

 The system came with a lot of stuff on 3 dc600 tapes that i managed to
 extract and install

 the make program sucks as does the c compiler that came with this sysVr4 abortion,
 what i wouldnt give to have a decent shell like bash

 does anyone have a working gcc compiler and other such nicities running ?

.. as much as i can discern, port-newsmips is not yet self hosting, and must be started
 / launched from newsos

 I would be willing to do quite a bit of gruntwork on this beast, and share my labor,
 but to even try to move round on this beast with such a sucky set of tools is,
 well ill put it this way,  i mount the volumes on my linux box when i want to edit
 a file.

 About the machine, its a nice clean machine with the original carry bag, scsi cable
 n mouse, and a 10bt tranciver i pop on the back.

 The 3 dc600 tapes have the OS with the developer tools and demo programs like
 decade cad and frameaker

 i also have some rather sparse manuals with very little info on the machine other
 than marketing type literature but there are some tidbits

 ive been searching far and wide and found a site in japan
 But it seems that my newsos 4.0/5.0.1 is too old or somthing is missing.
 nothing there will build on this thing even after a lot of makefile edits to work round the really
 sucky make program it comes with.

 If there is anything i have that would help anyone, I offer all I have,

 If someone has an a.out bash binary or a working gnu make/gcc that would
allow me to build my own as well as the other gnu tools, I am looking for you.

 I suppose i should spool this original sony scsi disk to a raw file, to extend the day it
 it hits the garbage can past the day the drive goes out,

Cheers !!

W4:/ufiles/sony-news/oem.packages.cpio-format# ls

ATT-FramedAccessCommandEnvironment						TerminalInformationUtilities
AccountingPackage.ds			UFSUtilities				BSDCompatibilityPackage-2.cpio
UNIXAccountingPackage-2		BSDCompatibilityPackage.ds		UNIXEssentialSystemUtilities
BasicXWindowingSystem			UNIXManualPages			C-DevelopmentSet.cpio
UUCPNetworkingUtilities			DFSUtilities				UserEnvironmentUtilities
DirectoryAndFileManagementUtilities	X75dpiFonts				DisklessSoftwarePackage
XCommandManualPages			EditingUtilities				XDevelopmentManualPages
EnhancedProgrammingUtilities.cpio	XImageUtilities				Inter-ProcessCommunicationUtilities
XOldFonts				InternetUtilities				XSonyFonts
LPPrintService				XWindowingSystemDevelopmentSet	NetworkFileSystemUtilities
XWindowingSystemExtendedUtilities	NetworkingSupportUtilities		RemoteProcedureCallUtilities
SPELLUtilities				SystemAdministrationUtilities		SystemHeaderFiles
sysimage				SystemPerformanceAnalysisUtilities

W4:/ufiles/sony-news# ls
sonytape.emacs.tar.gz	sonytape.exclaim.tar.gz		sonytape.install.tar.gz		sonytape.island.tar.gz
sonytape.slideshow.tar.gz		sonytape.xutils.tar.gz		sonytape.Decade-Cad.tar.gz