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Free '3410 parts

It would seem my NWS-3410 has fork()ed its last (I suspect the SMD'd
SCSI controller has died-- everything else looks alive including the
heartbeat LED), so I'm offering to let people scavenge on its corpse
for bits.

Everything's free for the asking, including postage within Australia,
although anyone wanting parts sent outside of the country or more than
0.5kg will have to mail me a small random gift in return.

Useful bits include:
       R3010 (suspect, but good enough to do most things).
       All and anything on the motherboard.
       ~200M SCSI drive (trashed filesystems).
       Colour bitmap board (NWB-252?).
       Keyboard and Mouse (NWP-411).
       Audio interface box (lost cable).
       Documentation: ROM Monitor User's Guide, Operating Instructions.
       Twist my arm for 8x 1M SIMMS.
       NOT the chassis-- it's too heavy and bulky to mail.
       Power supply, floppy drive, fan, authentic unix workstation dust, ...

Chris Baird,, <cjb%brushtail.apana.org.au@localhost>

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