Subject: diskless mvme68k ---->> I've got it
To: None <>
From: Giuseppe Pesce <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 05/12/2004 15:28:16
ok thanks it works now, at least NetBsd diskless!!! I'd like to access the VMe

If my experience and troubles in building a NetBSD diskless mvme68k could be
useful to anyone, I'll be very happy to share it or to help the author of the
NetBSD diskless how-to.


Dr. Giuseppe Pesce                      * phone   +39 081 676274
Dipartimento Scienze Fisiche            * fax     +39 081 676346
Universita' di Napoli ''Federico II''   *
Complesso universitario Monte S.Angelo  * e-mail:
Via Cintia  80126 NAPOLI, ITALY          *
                      one man's hell is another man's heaven