Subject: Re: Trouble netbooting MVME167B
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Henning Kiel <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 08/06/2003 15:02:47
On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Michael Kukat wrote:
> But as war hints... is your backplane jumpered correctly? is ENV configured
> correctly (in case of doubt, set defaults and check everything), is the SCSI
> bus terminated correctly? (Had cute effects due to lack of a terminator
> yesterday).
My CMOS battery is broken, so I have to reconfigure everything after
poweroff. How can I jumper the backplane??? or do you mean the transition
I'll double check the termination and jumpers... (I also tried the
transition module from the old 147, which *must* have been ok, because it
worked. But then I'm not 110% sure if the module is supposed to work with
the 167)
> Do you use onboard SCSI or some 328 or so?
It's the onboard controller, connected through 712 transition module.
> Feel free to port the disklabel stuff, should be not too hard :)
Will have a look again.
> Yep. If you use ping of the firmware, you have to set both addresses. The IP
> stack has to know, who it is.
Of course! But then I told the firmware before (had set the IP by niot)
> Network brings up evil error messages (at least
> on 162), if network ist not correctly terminaded/linked. Some error 0008 i
> think.
I have a AUI/TP transceiver. Shouldn't be a problem, and transceiver is
borrowed from (formerly ;) ) working system.