Subject: MVME hardware available (quick response needed)
To: None <>
From: abs <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 10/02/1999 01:50:59

.---- I've been too drunk to love ----.-- I've been too drunk to remember -.
|          too drunk to care          |    the hell of the night before    |
|  looked like death, felt like hell  |   I've been drinking myself blind  |
`------ been the worse for wear ------'-- and still I'll drink some more --'

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:52:48 -0700
Subject: MVME hardware

I have some MVME hardware I would like to donate to an open source
project. I have been taked with disposing of this eqt by 10 Oct.

2ea Motorola Delta Series Stand-alone computers, each with 
2 MVME 167-33 cards
	each card has 
	64M RAM
	SCSI and Ethernet (AUI)
831231-001 serial interface card, X.25 capable
2ea unnumbered data acquisition cards from telesciences
	these cards have a TI 320C30 DSP and 4M ram
One has 2ea 1G scsi 1 drive with Lynx/OS installed and configured (with
C compiler)
VME bus cardcage (6 slots)
Docs and books for Lynx/OS, MVME, and adapters, motorola chip docs
etc etc etc.

I would appreciate a quick response (yea or nay)

Dan Baker