Subject: Re: Problem with MVME167
To: Steve Woodford <>
From: Andre Grosse Bley <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 03/08/1999 18:30:09
> > "panic: mmu fault.
> > halted"
> =

> Hmm, when testing the snapshot I had a similar panic during boot from
> tape. However I was never able to reproduce it subsequently; further
> 'boots' worked fine. Go figure.

I played a bit with the box today (sorry, had no chance to capture the du=
mp, =

someone 'borred' my cableset, and the cable for my console terminal is a =

special one...), but it occurs while scsi scan.
After disconnecting both disc drives
  Vendor: IBM       Model: MXT-540SL         Rev: J1.5 (id 0)
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST32430N          Rev: 0510 (id 1)
the boot up works without panic, but i dont have anything to install on. =
The =

tape drive (Vendor: ARCHIVE   Model: Python 25501-XXX  Rev: 2.26 (id 6)) =
is =

still connected.
Perhaps the delay after scsi bus reset to begin of inquiry is too short? =
[I =

only know FreeBSD on i386, and there's an kernel option for this delay)
(tomorrow i'll take some tools to university and try to give ID 5 to the =
main =

disc, perhaps i'll be lucky then)

> You could also try running the 167Bug diagnostics on the board just in
> case there's a hardware fault somewhere.

The board is ok, running under SysV68k stable and under Lin*** kinda stab=
le =

(except for commiting suicide after 14 days uptime...)

BTW, i tried another board (MVME 167B , 16 MB non ecc ram, 68040/25, but =
not =

configured [pressed abort while poweron:)]), and after booting kernel fro=
m =

tape i got the bug prompt again. no error, just "Entry point is 0x0x0800"=
 and =

"bug167>". Strange!

I hope to get it running soon ... :)
and after that i'll try to use some of our VME-Bus periphials
